Saturday, August 7, 2010

Clone Wars

Me wife and I watched the awesome flick "Moon" last night. I feel like the "old-school" special effects were more real (to the eye) than the computer stuff they do in most movies, since it lets actual light play off surfaces in genuine 3-D (the eye knows when it's being duped, more often than not). The story was really emotional and awesomely acted--I won't spoil the whole deal for those who haven't seen it, but it brought to mind the storyline I was starting to develop in the late run of Bobu Leene.

Above, one Bobu Leene trades punches with another.

The gist of the Bobu Leene arc was this: in the superhero world, the superhero--or anti-hero, even--has to conceive of himself as a hero on a quest. But given that there are a million and one heroes out there (The Hero with a Thousand Faces, eh), what if this impetus, to think of oneself as a hero, is just narcissism, or, in Bobu Leene's case, replicated memories? If I ever get to doing Bobu Leene #13, I think I will take up these reins again.

The wife and I previously watched Jim Jarmusch's "The Limits of Control," which was also awesome. I love Jarmusch's sense of texture, his use of color, his choice of music, and his pacing and cinematography. His can make even the most seemingly mundane acts portentous.

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